Energy-Efficient Industrial Refrigeration

Energy-Efficient Industrial Refrigeration

Refrigeration systems are normally operated by using electricity which is
generated by burning fossil fuels causing climate change impacts. These impacts included
drought or more rains, smog, and excessive melting of glaciers. Also, there is a requirement
for a proper transmission setup for electricity if a system is operating far from the cities.

To overcome this issue, the researchers find out the way of utilizing solar energy
which is eco-friendly and also abundant in nature. Solar PV-operated refrigeration is the only
solution these days for efficient industrial refrigeration. To support the above fact, I am
presenting some research facts published worldwide on this topic.

  • A research paper was published in VSRD International Journal of Mechanical,
    Automobile, and Production Engineering. (VSRD-MAP, Vol. 2 (1), 2012, 1-8)
  • PV modules of the same sizes are connected in series to get the required output to
    operate the refrigeration plant.
  • The result is very shocking because it shows a saving of energy of 8760kWh in 10

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